Equipment purpose: Thermal cooling or heating of bulk, granulated products at various stages of production.

Specialization: Mineral fertilizers.

  • Nitrogen: ammonium nitrate, urea, ammophos, etc.;
  • Phosphorus: sodium phosphates, complex fertilizers based on phosphorus, etc.;
  • Potassium: potassium chloride, potassium sulphate, potassium nitrate, potassium phosphate, potassium magnesium, potassium salts, etc.

    Field of application:
  • Chemical
  • Food
  • Energy

    Supply completeness (optional):
  • Bulk product cooler;
  • Pump module for coolant circulation;
  • Purge air dryer;
  • Instrumentation and control devices;
  • Automatic control cabinet.

  • High energy efficiency and heat transfer;
  • Compactness of vertical modular design;
  • Ease of installation, maintenance and repair;
  • Reliability and durability of the construction due to the use of modern corrosion- and heat-resistant materials.


    The application of the static fractional crystallization method depends on the physical and chemical properties of the substance, its solubility in different solvents and the peculiarities of the crystallization process. The main factors determining the possibility of using the method are the difference of solubility of components in the mixture and the possibility of their crystallization when changing the temperature, concentration or other parameters of the process.
    In some cases where the solubility of the components varies significantly, the method can be used to produce different fractions with different purities and concentrations. This can be useful for obtaining high purity products or separating mixtures of components for further use.

    SPIC crystallizers realize the method of static fractional crystallization of solutions, including caprolactam solutions.
    The main processes: caprolactam solution is cooled to a certain temperature, at which caprolactam is separated into crystalline particles with uniform size and purity, and into liquid phase.
    The crystals can be further purified from impurities, while the liquid phase can be returned to the process for reuse or further processing.


  • Product purity degree can reach up to 99.99%.
  • Wide range of applications.
  • Environmentally friendly processes. Equipment operates under sealed conditions, at normal pressure with zero exhaust emissions. No other solvents are added.
  • Reliable operation. The equipment has a long service life and a high degree of automation.
  • Low energy consumption. Energy consumption is only 10-30% of that of distillation technology*.

    * Differences from the technology of distillation of caprolactam solution Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. The method of static fractional crystallization of caprolactam solution produces pure and uniform crystals, with less energy required to run the process. However, this method may take more time because waiting for crystallization is required. Distillation of the caprolactam solution, on the other hand, can provide a faster separation process, but requires more energy and additional equipment to perform the distillation. The final choice of method depends on the specific production conditions.
    The design of the SPIC static crystallizer is based on the use of a Pillow plate heat exchanger block.
    Features of Pillow plate thermoplates:
  • create a large heat exchange surface, which allows efficient transfer of a large amount of heat in a short time;
  • execution in stainless steel, corrosion and wear resistance;
    high quality laser welding;
  • plates have convex shape, crystals are practically not destroyed;
  • simplicity and convenience of maintenance.





    Air cooled units (ACU)

    Air cooling units (ACU) are designed for cooling of various process media in oil and gas, chemical and other industries.
    The principle of operation of air cooling units is based on the process of heat transfer through the heat exchange wall and the method of direct air cooling. Low heat transfer coefficient of air is compensated by high coefficient of finning of heat-exchange tubes and high speed of air blown by fans.


  • Cooling of hazardous process media.
  • Wide range of productivity, more than 100 Gcal/h.
  • Wide temperature range of working medium, up to 400 oÑ
  • Material execution from alloyed steels and nickel alloys
  • Completion of AHE with humidifying system
  • Provision of thermal and hydraulic calculations, delivery with automatic control system
  • Customized special production on request

    LLC "Unix Engineering" offers for delivery air cooling units manufactured in accordance with API661, ASME-VIII standards. Designing and manufacturing of air cooling units is also carried out according to individual requirements of each Customer.

  • Air-condensing units (ACU)

    Air-condensing units are designed for condensing steam from steam turbines of power plants or industrial enterprises. The technology of steam condensation cooling in air-condensation units is based on the use of direct air cooling method. Steam coming out of the turbine is directly condensed inside the tubes of the air-condensation unit, which are cooled by ambient air from the outside.
    At present, air-condensing units are widely used due to their obvious advantages in comparison with the use of condensers with a water cooling circuit.

    Air-condensing units are designed for condensing steam from steam turbines of power plants or industrial enterprises. The technology of steam condensation cooling in air-condensation units is based on the use of direct air cooling method. Steam coming out of the turbine is directly condensed inside the tubes of the air-condensation unit, which are cooled by ambient air from the outside.
    At present, air-condensing units are widely used due to their obvious advantages in comparison with the use of condensers with a water cooling circuit.

    Advantages of water-cooled condensers:

  • There is no need to use a significant volume of recycled water for cooling and condensing steam.
  • Reduction of ecological factor of impact on the environment.
  • Reduction of energy costs in winter period, in case of fans shutdown.
  • No need to use water treatment systems and make-up systems.
  • Reduction of costs for maintenance and cleaning of heat-exchange equipment.
  • Reduction of time of construction and assembly of ECCU in comparison with the scheme of using evaporative cooling towers.
  • Wide range of performance.
    LLC "Unix Engineering" offers for delivery air-condensation units using as heat-exchange pipes - flat-oval section pipes with external aluminum fins.
    The use of heat-exchange tubes of this type allows to increase the efficiency of heat exchange, reduce the weight of the tube bundle and increase resistance to low temperatures. The advantages also include availability and ease of cleaning of finned tubes in comparison with staggered tube bundles of round cross-section.

  • To order the above equipment from UNICS ENGINEERING LLC you can:

    - Call us by phone +7 (495) 648-62-78
    - Send a request to e-mail office@unix-eng.ru
    - Ask a question on our website
